Best Bootleg From The Cure 2012

Hello, just a little blog for all cure fans.
Here you don't find any audience recording (it kill my ears), only SOUNDBOARD in 320k !
This is not just a simple recording from the live webcast, many works have required to have the best sound and corrected live problems.
I do my best only for you !

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Festival Vieilles Charrues 20.07.2012

UPDATE (10/08/2012)
The final show before the month break, they change a little the order of the tracks (98mn).
You can download the Part 2 with 6 new songs broadcast by Arte :

Tape, Open, High, The Walk, The End Of The World, Lovesong, Sleep When I'm Dead, Mint Car, Friday I'm In Love, Doing The Unstuck, Play For Today, A Forest, Bananafishbones, Pictures Of You, Lullaby, Push, Inbetween Days, Just Like Heaven, From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea, The Hungry Ghost, Wrong Number.

Is It Always Like This ?

Part 2


  1. hi secamfr,you have the video from this one?

  2. I have it but in DVD, too long for me to upload !
    I see someone upload it on DIME if you have an account.

  3. broadcast in tv the same hour from the webcast?

  4. yep i recorded it on french tv "directstar". Directstar Web & TV is the same source.

  5. Greetings. Here is another Vieilles Charrues streaming with different songs. I hope you complete the collection.

  6. Hi Joy, i have made a update with the new songs :)

  7. Salut!

    Here is another webcasy with missing songs.
