Best Bootleg From The Cure 2012

Hello, just a little blog for all cure fans.
Here you don't find any audience recording (it kill my ears), only SOUNDBOARD in 320k !
This is not just a simple recording from the live webcast, many works have required to have the best sound and corrected live problems.
I do my best only for you !

Monday, July 2, 2012

Werchter Festival 28.06.2012

No surprise, just a normal gig.

Open, High, The End Of The World, Lovesong, Push, Inbetween Days, Doing The Unstuck, Just Like Heaven, From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea, Pictures Of You, Lullaby, The Walk, Bananafishbones, Play For Today.

Is It Always Like This ?


  1. Muy bueno todo este trabajo, saludos y te recomiendo el blog.

  2. Is it possible that I have you upload with an aac file without degradation?

  3. There is always degradation due to the livecast, MP3 320k is perfect and sound great for playing anywhere !
    I know some people prefer flac so i found one, i'm not sure if it's the final version but it sound great! uploading now, would be available tomorrow...

  4. Here we go, only one file but FLAC :

  5. Thank you very much!!!
    I appreciate correspondence.

    By the way, with which software was webcast of Werchter Festival saved?

    Although various software were tried also by themselves
    It will give up after all...

  6. Replies
    1. It was a blind spot.
      Audacity had a recording function.

      Thank you very much this time!
